On Thu, 14 May 2009, Pieren wrote:

For the Canadian GeoBase road import I've been using a plugin to JUMP called 
RoadMatcher[1] to that detects common roads between two datasets. I've then 
been excluding ones that aren't likely to not cause conflicts.

A few more details at:

For land-use you could probably write some SQL queries that run against a 
osm2pgsql instance that find which of your land-use polygons don't intersect 
with existing osm land-use tagged areas.

I don't mind joining a mailing list for the data import working group, but I 
have enough on my plate with the various Canadian datasets that I won't be 
able to provide assistance scripting or importing to others for sometime. 
I'm not sure if I'll be able to make weekly conference calls either.

[1] - http://www.jump-project.org/portal.php?PID=PL


> Thanks for your suggestions.
> In our case, it is more about 80% of the import dataset that will
> stay. And we speak about e.g. forests, tree plantations, agricultural
> areas,etc which is a huge surface in France. Tha't why our preference
> would go to some solution making the import as much as possible
> automatic. For instance, a tool detecting conflicts between the new
> landuse polygones and existing landuse polygones, then splitting the
> data in two sets, one without conflicts which could be directly
> uploaded and one with conflicts which would require some individual
> investigation/edits.
> Pieren

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