On 18 May 2009, at 11:48, Frederik Ramm wrote:

> Hi,
> Matt Amos wrote:
>> didn't you have to restrict that to a small number of signed-up
>> mappers though? i would have thought that, hiring topsat rather than
>> licensing the imagery, we wouldn't have to restrict imagery use to a
>> small group of people.
> With the Bavarian imagery that was "loaned" to us, we saw that the  
> project attracted quite a few "casual mappers" who spent half a day  
> just to be part of it but who would most likely not have signed up  
> to participate in a limited access project. So if it *can* be  
> avoided that's certainly useful.
> Sometimes when the licensor requests that access be limited, one can  
> talk them into accepting some heavy watermarking on the images  
> instead, which makes them un-interesting for any application but  
> tracing. They are more likely to allow such images out in the open.

 From memory, all that the license requires is that it isn't made  
generally available as a free on-line internet resource and that it is  
used for the agreed purpose by known people.

We would need to take advice on it, but I see no reason why mappers  
can't sign-up to use the photography on-line and agree to use it only  
for this purpose. In other words it will take a little thought but is  
certainly much easier and faster than doing our own photography and  
would allow people to get instant access to the photography.



> Bye
> Frederik

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