On 02/06/09 21:16, Matías Iturburu wrote:
> Lately we have been interested in osm and, after noting that our town
> isn't in osm, we would like to upload all our catography to osm (it's
> quite a chunk of data). As a matter of taste we would like for the tiles
> on our (printed) maps, to be the same than those online.

In what format do you have your data?

> Take into account that at this point we are more worries about legal and
> "community" concerns that on technical stuff. Also, if you know any
> other experience like this in other countries it's more than wellcome.

Legally, you retain all rights to your own data; when you add it to OSM, 
you are just licensing it to everyone else non-exclusively. However, if 
you make your paper maps using data from OpenStreetMap which has been 
added to by other members of the community, you would need to follow the 
terms of the CC-BY-SA licence (or any future licence; there may be a 
change is in the works) under which the OSM data is licensed. In 
practice, that means putting an small attribution credit on the map.


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