On 07/06/2009 13:48, Richard Weait wrote:
> What about quality control?
> OpenStreetMap has more surveyors and more quality assurance.  Anybody
> can fix it.  You've seen the failings in commercial maps (slow updates,
> limited data, unmapped areas) and in commercial maps you can't fix that.
> You, and everybody around you are helping OSM quality control.  

Here's an example of an OSM win you could use to illustrate this: not 
only does OSM have the recently opened outer bypass and the severance of 
the roads it entailed, but Google doesn't even show the inner partial 
bypass which has been there for years.


And here's an example of a new town (Cambourne), developing rapidly, 
which Google just can't keep up with (let along provide the detail we 
do), and furthermore gives misleading impression that there are some 
roads when they are just tracks or footpaths. I think you perceive more 
of the character of the place from a good OSM mapping (as, to be fair, 
you can with an up to date OS Landranger map - at a cost of £7 on paper, 
of course).


Here's another example of a development being built, already 50% 
occupied. We paid (continue to pay) lots of attention to this one 
because THERE WAS NO OTHER MAP that people living and moving there could 
use to direct removal vans and delivery people!


(which reminds me, there's also a hotel on the site now, which I must add!)

Want to visit Grafham Water for the day? Wot, no visitor centre on Google?
or Ely Cathedral, whose west front abuts Back Hill:
or NT's Wimpole Hall:



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