Hi Tim,
the one reason I help in OSM is something, which you can't do with 
Tagging ways for a specific purpose. In my case for mountainbiking. (Use 
mountainbike as search-string). On http://openmtbmap.org/ you can download 
OSM based Maps especially rendered for biking, with routing capabilites.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard Weait" <rich...@weait.com>
To: "Tim Morley" <t_mor...@argonet.co.uk>
Cc: <talk@openstreetmap.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2009 2:48 PM
Subject: [english 95%] Re: [OSM-talk] How to present OSM to an audience of 

> On Sat, 2009-06-06 at 23:17 +0100, Tim Morley wrote:
>> In a few weeks, I'll have the chance to present OSM to an audience of
>> youngish (18-30), intelligent, open-minded people, who more than
>> likely haven't yet come across the project. There may well be people
>> who are familiar with free and open source software, but that
>> probably won't be everybody present.
>> Are there wiki pages, slideshows, materials, ideas, etc. that you can
>> show me to help me prepare the presentation?
>> Failing that, how do *you* explain to someone that uses Google Maps
>> every day why you spend your time re-creating the same thing under a
>> different name? (Slightly provocative question, perhaps, but it must
>> be a very common one too -- what's your answer?)
> Dear Tim,
> You can find videos of Nick Black, Steve Coast and others giving Intro
> to OSM talks at various sites.  Sorry I don't have those links handy.
> There is another video here http://weait.com
> And a slide deck in ODF.  http://weait.com/IntroToOSM-summercamp.odp
> You are right to consider your audience as you prepare.  My typical 30
> min. to 60 min. talk outline for Introduction to OpenStreetMap is
> approximately:
> Why do you care about maps in general?   <-- Don't skip this!
> What is OpenStreetMap?  OpenGeoData / Open Source Software
> Why does it exist / How did it start / Who is involved?
> Show examples of what is done with OpenStreetMap.
> How does this differ from commercial on-line maps?
> Show examples of commercial map failings and OSM benefits
> How to collect data for OSM.
> How to open an account and start editing.
> Questions.
> My next talk is at SouthEast LinuxFest, Clemson, SC Saturday, 13 June
> 2009.
> Common questions:
> Why redo what others have online for free?
> Many people care about copyright and commercial maps may not allow your
> desired use of their copyright materials.  The general case answer for
> OpenStreetMap is "you are allowed" even for commercial use.  (Check the
> license for details)
> What about quality control?
> OpenStreetMap has more surveyors and more quality assurance.  Anybody
> can fix it.  You've seen the failings in commercial maps (slow updates,
> limited data, unmapped areas) and in commercial maps you can't fix that.
> You, and everybody around you are helping OSM quality control.
> Aren't you giving better maps to "The Terrists?"
> Oh, please.  http://weait.com/content/ban-terrorist-tools
> Best regards,
> Richard
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