USHAKOV, Sergey wrote:
> Hi again,
> looks like I have brought a lot of confusion in my previous posts by misuse
> of the word 'alley'. The latter seems to have too broad range of meanings,
> and many of them are not what I meant. Just compare
> (not good as a 'living_street') and
> (might probably be).
> Please consider the following proposed definition for a 'living_street':
> 'living_street' is a:
> - pubic street or way
> - in a residential area
> - intended for mixed vehicle/pedestrian traffic
> - where vehicles have extra limitations and pedestrians have extra rights as
> compared to normal streets/ways (details depending on local legislation)
> - may optionally have a name as a street
> - may be optionally marked with "Residential Area" traffic sign where
> appropriate.
> Please kindly comment/criticize.

I honestly don't see where the confusion is.  Alleys occur in all kinds
of districts throughout the world, the type of way doesn't change purely
on inductive reasoning alone.  If it's a back alleyway where you're not
expected to do more than find hidden driveways, garbage and delivery
access, and maybe off-street parking, it's not a living_street even if
all the ways around it are.

Wikipedia isn't the best example making a judgement call on this,
either; our own wiki is much better in this regard.  Our wiki has
tagging examples and graphics that seem to make it pretty clear that the
living_street tag applies only to ways that are actually living_streets,
not all ways in an area.

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