On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 3:55 AM, Russ Nelson<r...@cloudmade.com> wrote:
> It's pretty dead.  Combination of questionable copyright over the base data
> plus a lack of resources to really do it right.

Ah, too bad... because if the guys from Pict'Earth give out their
software to non-profits, as they say they would in their presentation,
then we could build a great addition to OpenStreetMap - real
OpenAerialMaps that would be even better resolution than
googlemaps.com satelite pictures...

Have you heard of Pict'Earth? They have made some python software that
runs on Nokia phones with GPS. You strap phone onto RC Plane and send
it flying, taking pictures and recording GPS data. Then they have a
software that takes photos and gps data. What you endup is tiled gps
positioned images.

I would LOVE to do that, I'm willing to do that. I have ordered RC
plane, I have Nokia N95 now I only need the software to process the
images and a server to upload finished photos.

I'm probably not the only one, there are probably lots of OSM
enthusiasts that would also love to do this.

For more info about Pict'Earth see these links:


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