Rather than plant_type=orange_tree or similar, I think it would make more sense
to tag plants and trees with the scientific (Latin) name of their species or
hybrid.  These are already standardized and the local language translations
('citrus x sinensis' => 'en:orange', 'es:naranja') are also standard, and can be
looked up by the map renderer rather than duplicated for every orange tree on 

I don't expect individual plants will be tagged very often (even the Germans 
not added the 'unter den' linden trees) but for managed forests and perhaps
farmland it might be useful.

Further, following the OSM guidelines on verifiability, instead of making new
classification rules for tree / bush / shrub / whatever, just tag the size of
the plant in metres.

Of course this doesn't cover the tagging of pots; as far as I am aware there is
no existing categorization for those :-p.

Ed Avis <e...@waniasset.com>

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