2009/7/7 Ed Avis <e...@waniasset.com>:
> Ed Avis <eda <at> waniasset.com> writes:
>>Rather than plant_type=orange_tree or similar, I think it would make more 
>>to tag plants and trees with the scientific (Latin) name of their species or
>>hybrid.  These are already standardized and the local language translations
>>('citrus x sinensis' => 'en:orange', 'es:naranja') are also standard, and can 
>>looked up by the map renderer rather than duplicated for every orange tree on
>>the map.
>>I don't expect individual plants will be tagged very often (even the Germans
>>have not added the 'unter den' linden trees) but for managed forests and 
>>farmland it might be useful.
> I thought of mentioning zoo animals but I thought it too silly.  But look:
> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.50826&lon=13.33929&zoom=17&layers=B000FTF>
> I think this would be better tagged with scientific names for the animals 
> rather
> than 'name' holding the local-language names.  Then the mapnik rendering rules
> can be extended with little icons for penguins, polar bears and so on.  We 
> could
> even have little fish swimming in the oceans like the maps in olden days.

"on the ground rule" applies... name should be the local language.

If you want to add a "species_taxonomy" (or similar) tag then feel free. :-)


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