I've been working on the LINZ data import, on attribution/legal as well
as the actual import.  The LINZ data I have is actually via the NZ
Open GPS project and is in Polish Map (.mp) format, which seems
to use Garmin types for its features.

I've hacked around with a few other scripts and have created a python
script which creates .osm files, and then imported them into a local
postGIS instance I run at home.  From there I've generated tiles using
Mapnik  and uploaded them to a dev server for your perusal....

Upload is still in progress but most are there already (starting in the
north and working south).  It's just south of Christchurch already and
I have gone and rendered Dunedin, Queenstown and Glenorchy ahead
of time.  If you find zoom 16 is not visible then zoom out a bit until you
find the available tiles.  As mentioned all of the north island is done.


 * import was done on a basic world map (from vmap0) to provide
coastlines where they were missing
 * some large rivers have a lot of detail, but some seem to be missing
altogether (e.g. Lower Hutt river) - this was also missing in the NZOGPS 
not sure why
 * tiles are still being generated and uploaded now (Tue 30th June),
but all of the north island to 16 zoom levels is done as well as the
Tasman... South of Christchurch is still being uploaded (although some
tiles are there at lower zoom levels)
 * I think most of the road types (primary, secondary, trunk) etc
might be completely off, including the link roads.  Please send me any
specific instances or comments on this
 * No attempt made to support anything like turn restrictions or
relations since this was missing from the original dataset
 * Roundabouts seem to have an issue as well, where their parts are
 * large lakes such as Lake Wakatipu near Queenstown were split across
two datasets, and as such as not showing up
 * central cities seem to have more detail in the existing OSM data
(except perhaps some missing street names) but rural areas have
less... This is ok, but your thoughts are welcome on how to merge
 * parcel boundaries (cadastral) information, showing property boundaries,
shapes, and house numbers will be imported separately, ie are to-do
 * Department of Conservation parks, national parks, reserves etc are
also to-do, although some are present in the current dataset.
 * No data is merged with current OSM data, so this is really to spot problems
before we attempt merging.  It has been suggested we might use
the java-based RoadMatcher for this.  Your comments are welcome.
 * Thanks to Geofabrik.de for allowing me to use their "compare" javascript

I will also put up the .osm files generated by the script so you can
check out whether the data is there, but just incorrectly tagged.

Please feedback to me anything you see, especially if it is incorrect.
Since the plan is to merge this with the existing Openstreetmap data,
missing features that are in OSM are less of an issue than features
that should be in the imported dataset but are not (and hence are
missing on both).

Source (GPL) is here

Anything in the code marked as TODO or FIXME requires special attention and 

Enjoy and feel free to comment!


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