On 3 Jul 2009 08:47:04 -0400, "Russ Nelson" <r...@cloudmade.com> wrote:
> On Jul 3, 2009, at 8:15 AM, John Smith wrote:
>> I'm still scratching my head as to why this isn't possible to be  
>> honest.
> It's possible, but it's pointless.  First, there is no IPv4 to IPv6  
> transition plan.  The two protocols don't coexist.  Second, unless you  

That is absolutely wrong.
They coexist on all my servers for years now and no customer
ever reported having a problem.

> have an IPv4 address, you aren't on the Internet.  Third, there are  
> MORE THAN ENOUGH IPv4 addresses to go around.  The problem is that  
> there is no price for IPv4 addresses.  They are priceless.  There is  
> no market for them.  Consequently, they are misvalued, misallocated,  
> and misplaced.

Not relevant where a shortage comes from. As we can't influence it
we have to deal with it.


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