
Inge Wallin wrote:
> Note also that the marble team is working on an OSM editing plugin that will 
> allow the user to directly edit the OSM data.

Do they have anything that we can look at, perhaps the spec they're 
working to or whatever? Don't get this wrong, I have a lot of respect 
for the Marble people, but I'm wary of people without OSM background 
doing an editor - they could easily get things just a little bit wrong, 
and suddenly we have thousands of contributors who break things.

I mean if it is just placing some amenities then let them do what they 
want, but if the editor has the capacity of editing ways then we ought 
to make sure it deals with all the relation stuff that goes with it and 
so on...


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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