John Smith wrote:
> --- On Mon, 20/7/09, David Earl <> wrote:
>> Indeed, in most developed countries, I would suggest that it is
>> very rare for trees to be naturally occurring or not managed in
>> some way.
> I've no idea about most developed countries, but I'm confident that
> not all of Australia has been logged or managed, and I wouldn't be
> surprised if some parts of Canada haven't been logged or managed
> either.

And I bet these would be tagged as "forest" by most people (because they 
are big and called things like "Wombat Forest").

Don't you think there is an absurdity in
   name=Oak Wood
   (area < 1 hectare)
   name=Amazon Rain Forest
   (area > 10000 sq km)

Now, I would tag it that way if that was the "spec", but there is no 
spec for OSM, so as I said I suspect most people do what "feels" right 
rather than try to determine the tagging according to some usually 
undeterminable criterion of "naturalness".


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