On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 16:57:17 +0200
Etric Celine <etriccel...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> The only way to create it at the moment is to use OpenLayers on your own 
> webspace.

The Google 'My Map' looks quite impressive, and as Etric notes there is no 
simple (as yet) way to do this. Given that OpenLayers can render out 
GPX/KMLs/OSMs/etc then this is technically possible.... maybe one could even 
abuse potlatch into being the editor for such a project with resultant OSM 
saved locally.

If you are simply wanting to hi-light a node (which already exists in the OSM 
database) then this can be overlaid on top of the OSM slippy map with something 

You can also place marker at a random point directly on the map:

By far the best way is to implement your own slippy map as you can control 
exactly what is displayed (and how), place things in layers, add pop-ups, etc. 
All it really requires is some web hosting and a few lines of JavaScript to be 
added to a page.

It takes a little pain to get some thing going, but even a java-script 
ignoramus like me can handle it.

For examples, see:

There is also the Static Map API under development which lets you place items 
on a map image via parameters passed in the URL (see 


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