Frederik Ramm schrieb:
> Sebastian,
> Sebastian Hohmann wrote:
>>> To get map.css and util.js, you can run these commands from the same
>>> directory as the one that contains map.html, or just right-click on the
>>> links in Firefox and hit save as):
>>> wget
>>> wget
>> The necessary files are also linked on the page.
> Since the slippy map generator targets the "less technical" type of 
> user, maybe it would be a good idea to remove the dependency on these 
> files by either (a) including them directly in the generated HTML or (b) 
> generating a .zip file for the user that contains all three!

Not exclusively "less technical", it's also an easier process, if you 
just want a simple map. I'm also unsure if its easier to unzip the files 
than to just download them. Its not like its dozens of files.

Anway, I already tried to ZIP it some time ago, but it didn't work for 
some reason and I didn't pursue it any further.


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