> Does the script also take boundaries in relations into account? I'm a
> little puzzled by
> <http://dev.openstreetmap.org/~ojw/WhatCountry/?lat=42.8145&lon=20.365>
> which is inside Kosovo with two relations as border,
> &#1057;&#1088;&#1073;&#1080;&#1112;&#1072;, admin_level 2, which is seen
> and Kosovo, admin_level 3, which is not seen.
> Two boundary relations is also the way to map the Australian example.

Basicallly, the OSM3S takes into account any relation that has a tag with key 
"admin_level" (no matter what value) and "name" (no matter what value). Then 
it tries to make one or several polygons from the way members of the relation. 
If the way members constitute proper polygons, an area is made from these. The 
tagging of the ways doesn't matter. If not, you can spot the problems by a 
query like

<id-query type="relation" ref="53295"/>

Just send this by a post request like
wget -O - --post-data="<id-query type=\"relation\" ref=\"53295\"/><report/>"

or just paste the query in an arbitrary form on

Concerning the Kosovo example, there is something odd at

Concerning Australia, a query like

<coord-query lat="-34.7758269" lon="149.6918631"/>
<print mode="body"/>

does find relation 80500 which represents Australia. So please specify where 
in Australia the script fails. Then I'll try to fix it as fast as possible.


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