On Tue, 11 Aug 2009 22:35:52 +1000, James Livingston <doc...@mac.com>
>> - At SOTM present and discuss their proposals and vote
> As others have mentioned this is bad because it penalises those who  
> can't go to SotM. IRC meetings could work, but as soon as you get more  
> than a certain number of people involved they need to be moderated,  
> and then tend to go on for a *long* time.

It's worth adding that I've never been to SOTM, and doubt I will ever go
unless it's very local to me. Sometimes we have to admit that we can't
include everyone, just as this busy mailing list excludes me most weeks of
the year.

The principal reason for suggesting SOTM is that - in my many years of
experience with these matters - it's incredibly hard to sensibly discuss
complex matters online. With a good facilitator and a well defined process
of preparation, you can often solve these matters in a 100th of the time it
would take over IRC or through a mailing list + wiki.


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