2009/8/11 Paul Houle <p...@ontology2.com>:
> Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>   The waste issue is complex,  but I can tell you one thing.  The current
> LWR extracts only 2% of the energy in it's fuel.  Future reactors could
> extract much more of that:  there's enough energy sitting in the spent fuel
> system in the US to power the country for centuries:  a closed fuel cycle
> could put a stop to Uranium mining for generations.  Yes,  the technology
> isn't there yet,  but we've still got decades to develop it.

why should we (or you) focus on the development of an
industry-scale-technology with high potential risk, if the sun sends
far more energy for free than we need, without either the risk of a
MCA nor the waste-problem, which also scales much better (less
dependance from big industries and the risk that they set profit
before safety) and offers the possibility of decentralized energy
production? The only reason I see are lobbyists ;-)


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