--- On Sat, 22/8/09, Morten Kjeldgaard <m...@bioxray.au.dk> wrote:

> Not really. There's a lot of elevation data available in the GPS traces, and 
> since roads where incline=* is relevant are drawn along GPS traces, it's a 
> matter of exploiting that data value. I'm aware that the GPS elevation data 
> isn't terribly accurate on an absolute scale, but when determining inclines 
> we will be making elevation differences which will decrease the error 
> significantly.

I doubt most GPS traces would be useful for this kind of thing, most vertical 
GPS data is +/- 10m under the best possible conditions, usually I seem to be 
+/- 20m most of the time, and it's not a stable 20m diff it jumps about just 
like GPS positions do.

You'd need a GPS with an altimeter, or a stand alone altimeter, to do this kind 
of elevation differences to get accuracy better than up/down.


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