--- On Sat, 22/8/09, Morten Kjeldgaard <m...@bioxray.au.dk> wrote:
> When subtracting two positions from each other, the
> absolute positioning error will disappear.
> In addition, for many traces there will be multiple
> measurements, which will give a much better determination of
> the gradient.
I disagree and I urge you to test this speculation out with 6-10 GPS devices 
and a hill and see what the results are, I doubt you would get any where near 
as accurate as you are assuming.

> Thirdly, time is on our side, because as tech develops, GPS
> devices become much more accurate... think Galileo etc.

How many birds are in the sky now? Still 1 or did they put a second one up?
You would have had better of talking about the Russian version of GPS, at least 
it has numerous sats in the sky even if they don't have enough for GPS type 


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