On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 12:06 PM, David Paleino<d.pale...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There's no physical barrier, and the lanes are divided by continuous lines
> -- that would be a no-changing-lanes restriction, but I'd still be
> uncomfortable with drawing two separate ways -- that doesn't reflect real 
> world.
> Satellite image:
>  http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=38.12436,13.355808&spn=0.001091,0.002411&t=k&z=19
>  (the street from NW is the one from S in my drawing --
>  http://imagebin.ca/view/SjGkG4.html )
> If you zoom in, you can clearly see the horizontal signals (at least at the NW
> street, there's some shadow hiding those in the SW one).
> If there are no other suggestions, I'll try to think at something :/

You also referred to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_flow_intersection

I don't remember ever seeing one of these in the wild.

I don't think that the intersection that you are looking at is a
continuous flow intersection as described in the wikipedia article.
It appears to be a simple cross junction of two one way roads.  Is
that correct?  If so I would map it with a single node at two
crossing, one-way, ways.

Here, in Ontario Canada, this junction would have no special signage,
other than the one-way arrows (and do not enter, for the opposite).
We have Right turn allowed on red light.

This is abstracted locally to include left turn allowed on red when
the junction is one-way to one-way.

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