On Tue, 25 Aug 2009 10:47:14 +0200 (CEST), Christiaan Welvaart
<c...@daneel.dyndns.org> wrote:
> hi,
> On Sat, 22 Aug 2009, Tobias Knerr wrote:
>>> I listed :backward and :forward postfixes for access keys
>> What you are doing here seems like picking raisins from conditional
>> tagging and trying to handle it as a special case. I'm not sure whether
>> you are aware of my proposal?
> I didn't really answer this question yet. My idea with :forward and 
> :backward was to group all access restrictions - keys that take 
> yes/no/destination/private/etc. - with the access key. So I also
> write e.g. access:vehicle:forward=no . But time restrictions should also 
> be included, e.g. as :T<from>-<to>, so one could write (crazy) things 
> like:
>    access:vehicle:forward:Tmo-fr=destination
>    access:vehicle:forward:Tsa-su=yes
>    access:vehicle:backward:Tmo-fr=delivery
>    access:vehicle:backward:Tsa-su=no
> A problem with oneway= is that it cannot accept the whole range of access

> values - only yes/no. So the above cannot be done with :oneway AFAICT.
> (max)height/weight/width/speed could maybe also be included with access, 
> but I think it is better to treat them as "access limits" and keep them 
> separate. Then the conditions proposal looks good for these keys.
When you are getting this complicated on it, maybe it is better to handle
this in relations? This way each special condition can be handled
separately without cluttering the map with tags. A road can have a set of
general access tags, and than use relations for the complicated access
conditions, such as psv only on school days, goods delivery 10-12 mon-fri +
11-12 saturdays in july, destination for taxies exept saturdays after 22,
and so on. That will allow you to do all these special condition without

I havn't seen that complicated access restrictions in the areas I map, so I
have no need for it, but I know that reality is a little different in

Aun Johnsen
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