Robert (Jamie) Munro <rjmunro <at>> writes:


>Preliminary results of the British Museum Test:

>* National Gallery
>  - No results found

This is because it's tagged as 'National Gallery / National Portrait Gallery'.
If they share the same physical building, there isn't an obvious way to tag it
with two separate names, so putting a slash may be the least bad option.

Semicolon is also used, as in 'Palace of Westminster; Houses of Parliament;
House of Commons; House of Lords'.  And a semicolon is used by some mapping
tools to join together names when two objects are merged.

So I suggest the namefinder should split names at slash and at semicolon, and
search each part separately.

>* British Airways London Eye
>  - No results found

I've added alt_name tags to this object, so after a database update it should

>* London Eye
>  - First result good. Second result nearby bus stop. Third result
>"common". Not sure what the "common" means, but otherwise good

Might be caused by the map having both an area and a node for the attraction.
I have tidied this to just the area.

>* The Victoria & Albert Museum
>  - Correct, but listed 2 nearly identical results for
>"Museum;attraction" and "Public Building"

This is semicolons getting into the tagging again; I've changed it to just
'museum' since that is more specific than 'attraction'.  The two separate
results look like a namefinder bug (you had other examples).

>* St Paul’s Cathedral
>  - 4 results. First one "Attraction", which is acceptable. Second one
>"bus stop", Fourth one "Place of Worship". 3rd one = "Place of Worship"
>in Dundee.

There used to be separate tagging for the building and a node in the centre
of the building, which could explain one of the duplicate results.  I've
tidied that up.

>* National Portrait Gallery
>  - No results found

See discussion of slashes above.

Ed Avis <>

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