On 03/09/09 12:28, John Smith wrote:

> I hope the reply to changes, if for nothing else than to be
> inclusionary of new people so they don't have to learn to cope with
> the self righteousness of others.
> Can we get the reply to on this and the talk-au list and the dev list
> changed please.

Look people. This is, and has been for the 16 years that I have been 
reading email, a holy war issue (just like vi vs emacs etc) and whatever 
you do the other side will just complain.

Frankly I long ago gave up caring - it's impossible to please everybody 
so there is no point in trying.

Yes I could change it, but then in six months we'll have a flood of 
complaints from the other side of the argument so I really don't see the 
point. Just learn to live with both setups. I did long ago.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

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