On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 8:10 AM, Ian Dees <ian.d...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 7:38 AM, Peter Körner <osm-li...@mazdermind.de>wrote:
>> Okay, so how can we go on now.. I'm not a ruby man and I don't have a
>> possibility to test all this.
>> Atm. my fallback-plan is to wait until the Wikimedia-Guys finished setup
>> of their copy of the osm-db (which will contain the history tables!) so
>> I can fetch my data directly from the db.
> It would seem to me that the first step would be to build up a history
> table that allowed us to know which rev node was used by a way at some
> revision of a way. This could be done using the timestamps on the nodes and
> ways as discussed elsewhere, but more importantly, it only needs to be done
> once. Once we have this info, the way history call could include a node
> version number along with a ref:
> <way id=...>
>    <nd ref="..." rev="1" />
>    <nd ref="..." rev="3" />
>    <nd ref="..." rev="1" />
> </way>
> ... etc.
>> I'm sure some months will pass by until this will happen and it would be
>> sad I had to stop working until than :)
>> Another thing that came into my mind was that we also should have an
>> versioned GET /api/0.6/[way|relation]/#id/full call (I think this is
>> what Ian requested, is it?)
> With the above per-node rev attribute, it would be trivial* to populate a
> full-history call.
>> Any one volunteering to work on this?
> I think it would be interesting... if someone helped me populate the
> initial table based on timestamp in a way that wouldn't take years of CPU
> time.

* trivial for some definitions of trivial.
"ref" above should have been "rev".
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