On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 3:27 AM, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> it simply isn't treated that way in all
> situation or each residential street would be 2 parallel ways, instead
> we use a single way to indication a pair of lanes, so which is it
> going to be do we need to split residential streets or do we treat
> things as a piece of asphalt when it suits us?

I think splitting ways "when it suits us" is actually a good pragmatic approach.

Having a clearly defined and documented standard for tagging
individual lanes is a good goal, but while we wait for that (John?),
using individual ways "when it suits us", and relating them with a
relation is at least probably a pretty good *interim* solution (or
long-term solution, if an individual lane-tagging proposal doesn't
gain traction...).

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