My Lord! What happened to my question?!?
You lot don't half go on. :-)

Back to basics:
Are we all agreed that, in principle, it would be better to be able to have a 
single bridge to carry multiple ways?,-2.350388&spn=0.075105,0.16531&z=13

To answer Martin's query about a bridges independence:
When editing, if you selected a bridge & moved it, it wouldn't move any of the 
ways going over.

It was more an off the top of my head comment really. 
Would having it independent make it easier for the renderers?
Would it affect routers? Would a route be described as "cross this bridge, then 
turn left in 200 metres"?
It would certain save time splitting the ways.
If there are reasons why the bridge needs to be tagged with the different types 
of ways please let me know.

The bridge would have a width tag which the mapper would adjust to suit all 
ways, thus saving the renderer the calculation.

Can I check? Are there people here who are suggesting that, in my case, they 
want to draw all four ways (yes, I know the footpath hasn't been mapped yet) as 
 a single way & specify the differences with lane tags?

Also I thought street was a "band" word & anybody quoting it was given a slap 
on the wrist & told to go & stand on the naughty step :-)

Dave F.

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