You'll find that this has been talked about on the talk-gb and the talk-transit mailing lists as they are not of global importance, rather just nation UK importance.


On 21 Sep 2009, at 10:06, Mike Harris wrote:


Can someone expand a little on what is happening with the NaPTAN bus stop import apparently ongoing in some UK areas? I have taken a look at the wiki but am still a little unsure about a couple of things and don't want to cause any problems with what appears to be a potentially valuable addition to OSM. Pity it wasn't announced on this talk group?

1. What are the basic import and rendering rules? Bus stops seem to appear in various places - all as a relation with two members but rendered variously (but different from the usual bus stop rendering, least in JOSM, my main editor), sometimes only one is rendered, creating the risk that one tag of the pair gets accidentally deleted as an orphan node.

2. If the two members of the relation are supposed to be two stops either side of the road, how does NaPTAN handle where there is physically only one - i.e. one stop on one side of the road is for both directions? Is this the reason for the un-rendered nodes?

3. Where a bus stop has already been manually added prior to the import do we just leave well alone at the moment until the merge process is more advanced? i.e. there will be 3 or 4 bus stops where there should be one or two. Messy - but I can understand the need for consistency in the longer run.

4. The positioning of the NaPTAN-imported bus stops seems generally to be very good vis-à-vis GPS surveyed manually entered bus stops (at least the ones I've stumbled across so far) - but where there is a discrepancy are we allowed to correct yet or not? The bigger issue seems to be where there is only a NaPTAN import but it is out of line with the relevant way - this seems to be much more common in my limited experience. I suspect that the ways may be off (e.g. created from NPE or Yahoo tracing - or simply surveyed at speed from a bike or even a car - which I find significantly less accurate than walking surveys). But I am reluctant to move ways unless I have a GPS survey in which I have confidence (e.g. I know the data point recording frequency and the reported error re the satellite reception).

Sorry to ask so many questions but like all innovations - and this one seems potentially very powerful - there are bound to be teething troubles and while I don't want to meddle unnecessarily there are a few issues arising.

Cheers - and congratulations to those ho have facilitated this import.

Mike Harris

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