Dave F. wrote:
> Emilie Laffray wrote:
>> 2009/9/24 John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>>
>>     > if someone likes to add it so let them do it. osm  means open ....
>>     What does "street map" mean?
>> I don't think that sticking to the name will get us anywhere. OSM has 
>> reached a stage where we are not just mapping streets any more. I mean 
>> we have administrative boundaries, zoos, golf courses, etc... Everyone 
>> is finding what they want in Open Street Maps. It is in the nature of 
>> the project to evolve that way.
>> Also, there is something else to keep in mind. There are a number of 
>> us that believe that while we need some basic rules to keep things 
>> consistent, everything should be free to evolve on their own. There 
>> are a few proeminent contributors with the anarchy tag on their wiki 
>> pages.
> ...And yet cry like girls when their internet connection goes down :-)
> I believe that the rules are a bit too lax & needs tightening up. If you 
> look at the Tagwatch-Source link from earlier:
> http://tagwatch.stoecker.eu/Great_britain/En/ignored_source.html
> How many of those have just one Count against them?
> I mean "GPS (drove down there by mistake) 
> <http://tagwatch.stoecker.eu/osmxapi/*%5Bsource=GPS%20%28drove%20down%20there%20by%20mistake%29%5D>".
>  Oh for crying out loud!!
> The problem with this is for the renderers. 
> OK I know what your going to say, DMFTR, but I think that's wrong. (I've even 
> been told the data is the only important thing in OSM!)
> Say somebody is out for a country walk, or wants to know the quickest way to 
> get out of Vegas they're never going to say 'Ooh what nice XML file you've 
> got there, so well formatted'. They want to see a clear, accurate map or an 
> accurate route list of every turning to take.
> See it from the renderers/routers point of view. Their product is going to be 
> judged on quality of the output. They're not going to spend their time 
> getting their map to render properly /all /the tags with just one count. 
> This will leave gaps in the map. 
> As they have no control over the data I think most renderers will either give 
> up or not even bother to start with.
> To help with the problem the editors need to have a more complete predefined 
> options list to steer people in the right direction & cut down on spelling 
> mistakes
> I realise Source tag is not relevant to mapping but you know get the point.
Without completely replying to your argument, I can definitely see it
from the point of view of renderers/routers/other things, since I am
paid by my company to deliver a product out of OpenStreetMap. Yes, it
would be nice to have everything well defined without boundaries, and
that would leave out the most creative things out of OSM.

The example you are giving is in my view wrong. I don't think anyway
will actually argue with you on this one. You are talking about oners
that nobody cares about. I don't think you will get much blank out of
those tags. You could choose many other tags it would boil down to the
same: you start caring about tags that are starting to get used. It is a
bit like the Evolution: survival of the fittest.
In the product, I am working on I don't care about one tag, I care about
some specific tags, and I do use tag watch to pick up some tags that are
starting to get used. And no I am not doing yet another renderer or
router. I care more about OSM as a database (which it is in my view)
because it enables way more things than just being a map (look at the
monopoly application).

I am sorry but people will make spelling mistakes all the time. The only
way I can see them disappear is to use editors that won't allow user
input and I don't see that happening any time soon.

If your argument was true, you would have no one making new renderers or
routers. I keep seeing new projects so clearly those people must find
the data reliable enough to produce maps. As far as I am concerned, not
every tags are even rendered in current renderers, because they don't
necessarily have a particular focus. If you want a touristic map
renderer, then you will start using some specific tags and you will
start looking at things coming from tagwatch to see how you can improve
your maps according to your needs.

Emilie Laffray

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