... Not a farmer but a country boy ... my ha'porth ...

Orchards (including olive groves etc.) seem sufficiently distinct (and
permanent - not rotated) to justify a tag of their own. Same might apply
e.g. to vineyards.

Some plantations e.g. bananas, oil palm also seem semi-permanent given the
life-span of the crop plants.

Arable land (which is normally under rotation between plough, various crops,
hay, rice, flax, resting non-permanent grassland) is fairly distinct - but
the individual crops would probably be too ephemeral.

Pastoral land - semi-permanent grassland for cattle and similar livestock -
is also fairly distinct and characteristic e.g. of much of the dairy farming
countryside around here.

Permanent non-cultivated grassland - e.g. natural meadows, uncropped
marshland meadows, alpine meadows might be another category.

Would it be fairly simple then to go along the lines of:

Landuse=agricultural vs. Landuse=grassland
And for the former:

Agriculture=arable / pastoral / orchard / plantation

Maybe a fairly limited number of tags would cope - or am I being too limited
geographically to be useful?

Mike Harris

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Childs [mailto:pchi...@bcs.org] 
> Sent: 29 September 2009 11:24
> Cc: talk@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - landuse=orchard
> 2009/9/29 Claudius <claudiu...@gmx.de>:
> > Am 28.09.2009 20:40, Pieren:
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> This is not my proposal but this tag is used by the Corine 
> Land Cover 
> >> current import in France corresponding to the class 2.2.2 of this 
> >> european program (Agricultural areas ->  Permanent crops ->  Fruit 
> >> trees and berry plantations).
> >> I would like to push this for improvements and a proper adoption.
> >> Please check the proposal and add your comments here:
> >>
> >> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/orchard
> >>
> >> Pieren
> >
> > I'd rather like to see this merged into some more generic
> >
> > landuse=agricultural
> >
> > tagging-scheme. Which would cover "general" farmland 
> (currently tagged 
> > as landuse=farmland) as well. Any farmer within the OSM crowd that 
> > could lend her/his expertise?
> >
> > Claudius
> >
> Not being a Farmer I'm not 100% sure but I think we need to 
> split up how a feed is used.
> ie
> Ploughed Field, Changed Every Year.
> Grass for grazing animals
> Orchard, permanent or semi-permanent trees/bushes
> While some farmers may rotate there land, partally with 
> Orchards this is not as likely as with grassland and ploughed Fields
> Just my 2pence worth.
> Peter.

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