>> oneway=no is useful for highway types which would usually imply 
>> oneway=yes:
>> highway=motorway, highway=motorway_link and junction=roundabout. The
>> southern A601(M), that bonkers sliproad on the M50, and (depending on
>> interpretation) the Swindon Magic Roundabout are UK examples of each case
>> where two-way traffic is permitted.
> Richard
> Do you know where are the Motorway Ends signs are located in you examples?
> OS define the links as M*  classification, but Google shows them as A* & 
> B*.
> http://osm.org/go/evhVzyiB
> http://osm.org/go/euwqKRNL
Google has it incorrect. The southern A601(M) is definitely (M)



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