
Tom Hughes wrote:
> The main issue of debate surrounds exactly what forms of attribution 
> are/are not valid.

And this is not made easier by the fact that what is valid and what not 
is not the community's decision but (within the confines of the license 
text) that of the individual contributor.

Assuming for a moment that my contributions to OSM are copyrightable and 
the CC-BY-SA license is valid, then if I license my data CC-BY-SA I have 
the right to request anyone using my data, or building or using derived 
versions thereof, to provide attribution in the form I believe is 
required, and I can drag them to court if they don't.

So even if the attribution you provide looks ok to the majority of the 
community, it only needs "one especially vociferous individual" who has 
contributed to the data you are using to cause you trouble.


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