Dave F. wrote:
> I can't work out if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me, but anyway...
> Are you suggesting there's no exception rule for renderers?:
> Ignore all subsequent keys except for ones label disused or abandoned"

I agree that a renderer should be able to deal with tags like
disused=yes. I also agree that disused is widely used, so it cannot
reasonably be ignored anymore, and replacing it with an alternative way
of tagging probably is no longer an option.

However, I believe that using a common key instead of
disused/construction/abandoned/...=yes and distinguishing these using
different *values* would have been the better alternative. Once
applications would have learned about the key, they would have been able
to handle new values immediately.

I also recommend that, when tags are created in the future, they should
be designed so that they can be ignored unless there are important
reasons for breaking that rule.

Tobias Knerr

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