Tobias Knerr wrote:
> Dave F. wrote:
>> I can't work out if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me, but anyway...
>> Are you suggesting there's no exception rule for renderers?:
>> Ignore all subsequent keys except for ones label disused or abandoned"
> I agree that a renderer should be able to deal with tags like
> disused=yes. I also agree that disused is widely used, so it cannot
> reasonably be ignored anymore, and replacing it with an alternative way
> of tagging probably is no longer an option.
> However, I believe that using a common key instead of
> disused/construction/abandoned/...=yes and distinguishing these using
> different *values* would have been the better alternative.
Common Key? Can you give an example?

If you mean status=disused, I'm not sure how that get around the problem 
of ignoring all other keys.


If status is ignored, this would still display as a functioning station.

>  Once
> applications would have learned about the key, they would have been able
> to handle new values immediately.
> I also recommend that, when tags are created in the future, they should
> be designed so that they can be ignored unless there are important
> reasons for breaking that rule.
> Tobias Knerr

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