On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 11:52 PM, Andrew Errington
<a.erring...@lancaster.ac.uk> wrote:
> What the web person *should* have done is looked at OSM in their new
> location and fixed the underlying data (if it was wrong or incomplete) or
> made their own map based on the data, but omitting the features they
> didn't like.

The web person in question probably has a lot of tasks on his hands.
It takes 5 minutes to embed a Google Maps map instead of an OSM map
but tracing a 10-block radius as in this case is going to take half a
day at best, assuming quality aerial imagery.

Likewise setting up your own rendering takes half a day at best if
you're not already familiar with the rendering tools involved.

> Of course, we all know this.

Yes, we know that everyone could probably use OSM maps for their
business website if they spent a week surveying their surrounding area
/ creating custom renderings. But that's not very helpful when they
can just embed Google instantly and get the same results.

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