2009/11/7 Shaun McDonald <sh...@shaunmcdonald.me.uk>

> Maybe we need some method for companies/organisations to be able to
> say that an area isn't surveyed to a level they want and that they
> would like a particular area to be surveyed to a higher degree for a
> specific purpose. OpenStreetBugs is more for point errors, rather than
> larger problems. Maybe OSB needs to be exposed more?

I think Mappa Mercia, whose template I coped for the Sutton Green Map, is
pretty instructive here. The menu along the top very clearly exposes OSB,
provides a fairly plain English guide to contributing, and helps people
understand how they can use the map: http://mappa-mercia.org/

I don't know what's happening to the oft-floated redesign, but this thread
does again show up some basic shortcomings.


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