On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 9:21 PM, Ian Dees <ian.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> No, I doubt local mappers will improve the data.

If that's true (and I'm really not sure if it is), then it really
shouldn't be in OSM in the first place.

> I sent this mail because
> almost all of the data I've seen available for import in the US (all the way
> from individual municipalities to TIGER's shapefiles) has this
> left/right-from/to scheme for addressing information.
> If the expectation is that we will always be following the Karlsruhe schema
> (with separate ways on each side of the road centerline), then importing
> this addressing data will be next to impossible*.

On the other hand, putting the information directly on the way would
be problematic for many reasons.  Ranges might span multiple ways, and
right/left has to be reversed whenever the way is reversed being the
most troublesome.

It probably has to be a relation.  Include a start node, an end node,
and a list of one or more ways (which are connected to form one
logical way).

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