On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 10:33 AM, Anthony <o...@inbox.org> wrote:
> When is there a path and when is there not a path?  I walk through an
> area of grass every time I go to the park near my house.  Isn't that a
> "path" which is part of "reality"?

An area of grass is - to me - not a path. A path, IMHO, is something
that exists independently of people walking or not walking on it (i.e.
usually you can *see* that it resembles a path).

>> 3) Re: what does <TAG> really mean? - rather than everyone giving
>> their personal opinion on e.g. what highway=path means, for new users
>> I would strongly recommend reading the wiki carefully and using that.
> "A generic path, either multi-use, or unspecified usage."
> Umm, okay.  I take that to mean anything course of travel that isn't
> covered by one of the other highway tags.

That's fair enough. My main point was that you can at least be assured
that other mappers are using the same documentation (the wiki as a
whole) to decide how to tag their ways. If you ask on this email list,
you cannot be assured of that.

As an aside, about highway=path...the definition of "generic" is
"descriptive of all members of a genus", so I take it to mean that -
quite intuitively - all paths are a kind of path, regardless of
whether you can ride a bicycle or walk or snowmobile on them :) But
I'm not going to get into this discussion again - instead let's go and
improve http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Consolidation_footway_cycleway_path

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