On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 7:07 PM, arno <a...@renevier.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was told today by a bicycle commuter that openstreemap is "interesting but
> unsuccessful" because "opencyclemap is wrong".
> His point was:
> opencyclemap show the directions for cars but not for cyclists:
> in his city, there are a lot of streets where car can only go one way, but
> cyclists can go both.
> These streets are correctly mapped (have the
> cycleway=opposite_lane|opposite_track|opposite) but on cyclemap layer, are
> still represented as oneway on opencyclemap.
> So, I explained the difference between data and its representation, and I
> explained that that osm is not unsuccessful. But I also understand my
> interlocutor point of view: opencyclemap is supposed to be a cyclist map, but
> it shows directions for cars.
> So, I was wondering if you knew why this is the way it is ?

I've simply not implemented it yet! Someone gave me a new icon (a long
time ago) that shows that it's a oneway road but that you can cycle in
both directions, and I'm sorry to say that despite their efforts I
haven't added the rules yet.

If you want to keep track of things, then please add a ticket to
http://trac.openstreetmap.org with the opencyclemap component.


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