80n wrote:
> Yes, one of the major consequences is that OSMF gets to change the license.
> If the value of OSM data ever gets very near the value of map data owned by
> companies like Navteq and Teleatlas then OSMF becomes a very tempting
> target.  The safeguards that have been put in place (a vote of the OSMF
> membership and recent contributors) would be very easy to circumvent.

This is the aspect of the whole thing I find most worrying too: this
signover of rights to a centralised body makes external attack much more
possible. Is it really necessary for the OSMF to have both functions
(management and rights ownership)? For example, I would be happier
signing over any rights I personally hold to the FSF, which has a much
longer track record of being unassailable, with the FSF required to
relinquish all responsibility to the OSMF as long as the data is kept
free. An attack on the OSMF would then become much less likely, being


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