2009/12/14 Brendan Morley <morb....@beagle.com.au>:
> I suppose you would have hated contributing to Linux then.

GPL has similar sharing required by ODBL, if you had said BSD you
might have had a point, MS and others have taken BSD code and given
nothing back, they have recently been shown to have used GPL code and
as a result released the source code of the software.

> National corporations are OK then? Where do you draw the line?

You can't make mega bucks being a nice guy, most nice guys die dirt
poor and the scum bags laugh all the way to the bank.

In fact one of the motivations I have for supporting OSM is to enable
better competition against Google to keep them honest, some of the
statements by one of the Google founders just highlights why this is

> All other things being equal, they "give back" by being able to make a
> profit at a *lower* selling price than what they otherwise would if they had
> to commission their own additional survey.

You can still give back while making a profit, I can't comment on the
profitability of geofabrik et al but I assume they aren't in business
to go broke, but at the same time they do numerous things to give back
to the community.

> You didn't answer the question about what of yours is materially removed
> btw.

That's the same argument used by people commiting copyright
infringement, physically nothing is "stolen" but that doesn't mean
nothing is lost, even if what is lost is over stated most of the time.

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