The OpenStreetMap community is heavily mobilized to support the relief
efffort in Haiti. This results in a valuable data set available as
shapefile, WFS for GIS use and garmin images for use in GPS.
all available for download at
It's important to HEAVILY DISSEMINATE these GPS resources (GPS extracts +
instructions) for the responders (specifically the non GISers) who are not
yet in Haiti so that they can download the data and take work out of the
hands of the GISers on the ground. The instruction are included below, and
if needed will be updated on the OSM Wiki Project at

Another resource worthy to mention for any collected tracks (regardless of
any attribution), is its upload on the OSM architecture. They can be used at
least for quality check on the geometrical quality of the produced
Once registered in OSM, this can be done in the OSM wiki at


1. garmin img at

2. Below, first draft of loading instructions, more to come; ideal to have
your views on its usefeulness.

To put this map onto your GPS follow these instructions:
* Download the map at
* Rename the file to gmapsupp.img
* Plug the GPS unit in “mass storage mode” (Setup->Interface->USB Mass
* Put the file gmapsupp.img in the Garmin directory (create the directory if
it does not exist)
* Unplug the GPS unit

There will be continual updates made as new data becomes available in
Haiti view of OpenStreetMap:

OpenStreetMap community is focusing on building a fully open dataset of
infrastructure data from historic maps, satellite imagery, and on the ground
reports. This data is available to users for putting onto their GPS units,
analysis, and route planning.

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 75 14 29 70
Skype: c_nicolas
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