On 16.01.2010 01:27, Cartinus wrote:
> On Saturday 16 January 2010 00:47:43 Steve Bennett wrote:
>> Suggestion: if the Cycle Map supports a given tag, then we should
>> document that fact. Now, whether we want to deprecate it is a separate
>> question, but removing correct, relevant information doesn't really
>> help the cause.
> If renderer XYZ renders amenity=llibrary with a library icon (to catch
> a "common" typo), then we could document that somewhere on a page about
> renderer XYX. However we definitely should not document this as a valid tag
> on the amenity page.
I have had some e-mails about this with Richard Mann too.

Network=mtb makes not much sense in my eye (and was never discussed, 
approved, proposed...) as we can't differentiate then anymore between 
local and regional mtb routes.
The question therefore is, what values do we want to use for network?

Should we use ncn/rcn/lcn (because this is already quite commonly used 
for route=mtb and the differentitation to cycle routes can be done 
because we use route=mtb and not route=bicycle) or maybe nmn/rmn/lmn 
(this would go in accoradance with "ncn" Cycle Network and "nwn" Walking 
Network), or maybe go without accronyms and use "network=regional_mtb", 
"network=local_mtb" .....

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