On 26 February 2010 09:47, Graham Jones <grahamjones...@googlemail.com>wrote:
> We could then have a nice banner on the bottom of the screen pointing to
> the descriptions of the other editors that would allow you to add or change
> geometries.

I think the app should provide some form of stepping stone functionality for
more advanced tools.

For future discussion, once scope has been determined: Would it be an idea
to provide a toggle between simple mode & complex mode inside of Potlatch,
rather than build a completely new editor? Potlatch could default to simple
mode to prevent scaring off new contributors, but provide more complex
operations with one click.

> Graham.
> On 25 February 2010 20:29, Roy Wallace <waldo000...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 7:42 PM, Liz <ed...@billiau.net> wrote:
>> >
>> > I would suggest that Potlatch is left alone for its devotees.
>> >
>> > I'd start with the following in the design brief for the "Newbie Editor"
>> > Can add nodes, label them with default tags only (other than name).
>> > Can add ways, again default tag list only, other than name.
>> > Very limited deletion ability (no clear idea yet on how to define this).
>> I suspect starting at even this level of complexity would cause
>> feature creep towards Potlatch, anyway...In particular, being able to
>> add/edit ways requires handling many complex concepts (as others have
>> brought up), like joining ways, way direction, overlapping ways, etc.
>> How about an even bigger step back? If starting a new editor from
>> scratch is to be worthwhile, surely it should be a LOT more basic than
>> all other existing editors. i.e. how about only these features:
>> 1) Add POI
>> User specifies:
>>  a) where it is
>>  b) what it is (choose from a single list of options)
>>  c) the name
>> 2) Edit Name
>>  e.g. add or fix the name of an existing road - this should help a
>> lot with noname roads
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