On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 1:46 PM, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 2 March 2010 04:36, Anthony <o...@inbox.org> wrote:
> > Wikipedia is a whole different beast.  It'll likely be replaced by Google
> > when and if Google come out with a breakthrough in natural language
> > processing.  It looks like that breakthrough has already come in terms of
> > creating a 3D model of the world.  All that's left is taking lots of raw,
> > dumb pictures.  No sense in wasting manpower over something a bunch of
> > unmanned dirigibles could do.
> Yes and we've been told for years that in 5 years time computers will
> program themselves. While computers may be able to crunch numbers,
> they can't just mash a bunch of information together and make
> something useful and interesting.

Great point.  I think the power really comes when we combine the two
methods, massive collaboration and technology.  I'd love to see some tools
to facilitate automated high res orthography tracing with direct input from
human mappers.  Micromapping is uncharted territory, and is a place OSM
could potentially shine.  Unfortunately, one advantage Google has over OSM
(as exemplified by this very thread, actually), is that they avoid copyright
paranoia.  OTOH, there is a lot of high res ortho which is in the public
domain, albeit mostly in the United States.
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