On 5 March 2010 16:28, elf Pavlik <perpetual-trip...@wwelves.org> wrote:

> Hello Everyone!
> I just asked on GeoNames mailing list why they don't use OSM for their
> map functionality.
> http://groups.google.com/group/geonames/t/ec02877f850cf6c7
> A person named Marc responded that OSM share-alike license is too
> restrictive. Please check link above for his explanation.
> Could someone explain me how relation between GeoNames and OSM looks at
> this moment? According to the OSM wiki you use GeoNames for your search
> functionality. I think it would be nice if GeoNames and other services
> could use OSM for their mapping functionality.
> I think GeoNames and OSM have complementary service to each other and I
> would really like to see them in good relation =)

I don't think so. Geonames and OSM are very different. Geonames is storing
only points most of which are actually coming from the Geonames database:
http://geonames.nga.mil/ggmaviewer/MainFrameSet.asp It means that
potentially most of Geonames data is also available to us.
Having points is not terribly useful in many cases. In addition, Geonames
has been considered unsafe for imports:
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geonames since it is not clear where the
source data was freely available or not in the first place, making less than
useful in OSM where you make sure that we can use data.

Emilie Laffray
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