On 18 March 2010 10:47, Tom Hughes <t...@compton.nu> wrote:
>> i've been offered contours for new zealand under a cc license. the
>> precision is 20m, which i believe is higher than that of the srtm
>> data.
>> how would i go about getting these into osm? from what i can tell,
>> contours are generally handled differently to other data
> What do you mean by getting them into osm exactly? You're quite right that
> we don't store this sort of elevation data in the main database but it
> sounds like you think we have sort of parallel database of elevation data -
> we don't.

hmm, thanks for that.

> Most people wanting elevation data just use the SRTM dataset directly.

i've seen maps hosted on the osm front page which have contours, and
an srtm page on the wiki. hence i thought i'd ask how they were
handled. no need to go overboard, a simple "we don't concern ourselves
with that" would be enough

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