On 21 March 2010 08:35, David Earl <da...@frankieandshadow.com> wrote:

> Was your problem not understanding it or was something going wrong? The
> reason I developed it was so I didn't have to keep stopping when cycling
> (time and knee damage!), and I use it everytime, so I'd be interested to
> know what is caused your problem. (I know not all gps make it easy to add
> waypoints)

I want it to work like photo mapping, matching up the clips by timestamps,
as going into the GPS menu to add a waypoint is double work. I think my last
issue was copying the audio from my dictaphone to Linux with unofficial
drivers, and keeping the right time on the file (created/modified/accessed,
whichever JOSM used).
I'm quite happy with my photo mapping procedure (and I spot things I missed
sometimes) but sometimes I go on about my love for it at a mapping party and
Andy Robinson brings up audio mapping as being better.

What ever works for each of us, right?

Back to: What do you wish you'd known?
* That OSM has a really low entry but once your addicted you can upgrade at
various levels. Cheap bluetooth GPS with a phone and free Java app, then
using my camera phone. Now I bought a compact camera mainly for OSM (less
stopping needed and I don't have to zoom either) and I've loved my Garmin
eTrek for some time. Even before that I suppose we have arm chair mapping or
walking papers for free.

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