Good day.

You should know about flame war about military objects and government
secrets in Russian OSM community. And you should know that any voting
results may be considered as and only as recommendation, but not as
invariable law.

At 2010-04-13 user Zkir added
voting results followed with warning about formal status of this voting to
avoid misunderstanding:

"This voting is only recommandation, it cannot give someone any rights to
delete something. Deleteting of information that compatible with CC-BY-SA,
verifiable and/or correspond to the facts is vandalism. E.g.";

Since that user Vctos
removed this warning 3 times with comment: "I deleted text about
applicability of voting results that added after RFC" (translation). I
expect that it will not stop his attempts, as he hasn't stopped it before
now. I have no choice but need to ask help for support of somebody with
more efficient tools than words of generic OSM participants.

   Alexandr R. Zeinalov

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