> Well, you should try .../api/0.6/*[... (notice the *) to get also ways and
> relations, which contain the tag "addr:postcode".


> Some users tag the address
> information to the buildings and those are ways... And second point is,
> -74.25,40.4,-73.7,40.9 is the bounding box for NYC, or?

No, I was being liberal in my estimates.    But I still think I'm not
communicating my question properly.   What I'm looking for is NOT a list of
addresses.   I'm looking for lists of administrative regions -- be the
states, counties, postal code regions, etc..., and really any of the
boundary files that define the various place levels as recognized by OSM.
So, while


returns locations that probably contain many of the zip codes in that
bounding box, the results to do NOT contain all the zip codes in that region
(e.g. '11021' is definitely within that box, but is not contained in any
address that is currently in the OSM database.  Even if all the zip codes
_were_ in this list somewhere, since my goes to obtain that list of zip
codes (or states, or whatever) and not speciific addresses, I'd have to do
some serious parsing on the list, -- and anyway, the downloaded thing which
be much larger than what I was looking for to start with, and therefore much
less efficient.

So let me restate my questions better:

1) Does OSM have or not have any facility to obtain as results of an API
call a list of administrative units that intersect a given bounding box,
backed -- presumbly -- by a set of adminstrative-region shapefiles that are
basically comprehensive and complete for the US?

2) If it doesn't have that facility, can someone point me to a service that


> Have a look at
> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/175905>
> Greetings, Carsten
> --
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